Hotel guests

Thank you very much for calling “Zohar cleaners” 馃尰馃尰馃尰so how do we work with hotel guests? The dirty laundry should be taken down to the lobby with your full name and room number we will pick it from there. our price for laundry is 260-350 shekels for hotels that are located in the center of Jerusalem, other places in Jerusalem the price is 300-350 nis( For express service , same day service we charge an additional 50 percent, a total of 300 – 525 nis) you can give us upto 14 kilos, each additional kilo is 15 shekels. Payment in advance cash only, put an envelope in your laundry bag with payment and full name and room no. when the laundry is ready we will just return it the day after at the lobby so you can continue to enjoy your holiday quietly, we are really happy to give service , bless you馃寛馃寛馃寛

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